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Protest.Net Images

I'm going to put a place to post protest pictures and stuff like that, along with some way for people to post followups to tell what happened at protests. For now I've got this nifty protest picture that I altered so that it looks like they are protesting for I think it was a protest against the US-Iraq war, probably in the San Francisco bay area.

If you have any good protest pictures, feel free to send them to me and I'll post them.

Protest.Net If you want to include a this little Protest.Net button on your web page we'd be forever thankful. Just include this html in your page.

<A HREF=""><IMG SRC="" ALT="Protest.Net" WIDTH="82" HEIGHT="31" BORDER="0"></a>

Protest.Net A Calendar for Progressive Activists
I like this one a lot, but I can't claim credit for it. I found it on the Praxis Group website.

<A HREF=""><IMG SRC="" ALT="Protest.Net A Calendar for Progressive Activists" ALIGN=TOP WIDTH="375" HEIGHT="50" BORDER="0"></a>

Protest.Net  A Calendar of Progressive Activism
If you want to include a this Protest.Net banner on your web page we'd be thankful for even longer. Just include this html in your page.

<A HREF=""><IMG SRC="" ALT="Protest.Net A Calendar of Progressive Activism" WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60" BORDER="0"></a>

Visit Protest.Net
Or perhaps this banner is more to your liking. Just include this html in your page.

<A HREF=""><IMG SRC="visit_protest_net_banner.gif" ALT="Visit Protest.Net" WIDTH="327" HEIGHT="90" BORDER="0"></a>

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