Empowering Change

People to take action and organize social movements

Join us in creating a more inclusive and accessible world. Protest.net is enabling activists to connect, organize, and make a difference. Together, we can amplify our voices and drive meaningful change.

Protest.net's been helping activists use the internet to organize since 1998.

Empowering Activists

Protest.net: The Open Protocol for Activism

We can't build a social movement on corporate social media platforms.  

Protest.net uses Nostr, an open source open protocol that empowers activists to connect, collaborate, and organize for positive change. With its decentralized and transparent nature, Nostr provides a secure and inclusive platform for activists to share information, mobilize communities, and amplify their voices.


Decentralization, Transparency, Security, Inclusivity, Collaboration

Key Features

Secure Messaging, Event Calendar, Community Forums, Resource Sharing, Collaboration Tools

The Commons

The Power of Open Protocols: A public sphere which is a commons

The commons is a resource held together and not owned or controlled by a corporation or the state. Our public spaces need to be held and governed by us


Open protocols foster innovation, empower users, and promote a decentralized and censorship-resistant internet.


By embracing open protocols, we enable global collaboration and create a more interconnected world.


Building a Better Future with an Open Protocol Commons

At Protest.net, we believe in the power of open protocols to create a more transparent, secure, and user-controlled online experience. By embracing open protocols like Nostr, we are fostering interoperability and empowering activists worldwide.


Open protocols ensure transparency by allowing users to understand how their data is handled.


With open protocols, we prioritize the security and privacy of our users' information.

Why Nostr & Open Protocols: Empowering Activists

At Protest.net, we believe in the power of open protocols like Nostr to create a decentralized, open-source digital commons for activists. By embracing these technologies, we are able to foster collaboration, protect free speech, and ensure the longevity of our platform.

Join the Movement

Protest.net is a network of people pushing for social change using tech to connect online and then get off the computer and in to the streets.